About me

About me and a bit more

I am teaching singing since 25 years. I love the challenges I get confronted with through every single one of my singing students. It has been and is always an exciting process. Regarding this the references of old and present students are for sure interesting to have a look at as they have anyway more to tell you about my work, I guess, then anything I could ever write about myself and my way to teach.

Nevertheless I will tell a bit about myself.

My first passion, was ballet. Due to my natural affinity to dance I am very well acquainted to the body and its possible tensions regarding the muscles and their way to interact with each other. I always do sense where the problem lies working with a student, as their bodies do speak volumes if one can “read” all the information given.

My second passion was acting. My third passion, the classical way of singing, set in being 11 years old. With the beginning of my twenties I decided to focus mainly on my voice.

For everyone who is interested in doing research and who loves to google, here the names of the singing teachers I’ve worked with. At the moment I have the great luck to work with Solorepetitorin/Teacher Dorothea Schwarz.

Other singing teachers I have worked with are :

Ann-Kathrin Naidu, Stuttgart/ München

Hildegard Dietz, Stuttgart

Annette Herdrich, Stuttgart

Thomas Harnischfeger, Tübingen

Louis Landuyt, Luxembourg, Conservatoire de la Musique de la Ville de Luxembourg

Mike Rhodes, Trier

Kammersängerin Elke Estlinbaum, Stuttgart

Hildemarie Keim, Stuttgart

Dorothea Schwarz, Solorepetitorin Staatsoper Stuttgart

Concluding a few more thoughts.

In general I can recommend to everyone to sing and to study the process how to. There is nothing more rewarding. Nothing lets you less avoid yourself and nothing gives you a better chance to grow upon. To sing leads to oneself and grasps one in one’s entirety as nothing else does. It’s simply satisfying and harmonising.

Two major points I would like to recommend warmly to all of you. Firstly let go, if anyhow possible, of any perfectionism (unfortunately it took me ages to do so) and secondly always keep your humour while developing your voice. Without humour it is impossible to do. Desperation is a natural thing to occur as well from time to time but it never should overshadow the whole for too long.

I wish you loads of fun with learning how to sing!
Much love and maybe ’til further notice.
Kathrin D. Widmann